Then I flew into Haneda airport where I had to catch a bus to the Keio Plaza. At this point being a part of JET still didn't seem real. When I arrived at the hotel and checked in it started to sink in but I was quickly out on the streets of Tokyo in Shinjuku.
I met up with Ayumi and Miho. We had "Mexican" food. My favourite part was the Cassis Colada. Who knew that Cassis and coconut milk tasted good together.

The really interesting part of the evening was when I was finally able to meet up with all those people I have spent the last few months chatting with online. All my fellow new JETs from IRC and ITIL. It was amazing to meet them face to face even though it may be the last time for a long while. The most startling thing of that evening was having a sudden realization that I do know this country, its language and how to get around. I hope that my friends (those who can't already) will soon experience this feeling and love it a much as I do.
The next day was a day of speeches, seminars and more importantly meeting people. I was able to meet Dori, Kim's new townmate, and Kori my new neighbour. Both of them are amazing people. I also met a crazy fun girl named Regi, she's not too far from me as well. We already have plans to go to a concert together, so long as we can manage to get tickets. The Hokkaido people all seem really great. I got to know many of them on our journey from the Keio up to Chitose. It was strange though having already lived in Hokkaido and yet being just as new to JET as they were.
Back to Tokyo, I spent my two free evenings getting to know my new Hokkaido people and meeting up with Shota. This actually felt like the most important aspect of Tokyo Orientation to me.
So upon arrival in Chitose we were led off in groups of five or six (sneaky Kori) to meet our supervisors. My supervisor is amazing! She is such a cool, forward and easy going! She has been taking such good care of me. She took me all around town. Including to the pool which is on the beach! We had a great dinner together at Ble. She also let me stay home and unpack on Thursday. Friday she took me to Kitami to meet the big boss and my supervisor promptly told me as we walked out "You will never see them again". Then she gave me a wad of cash (love!!) and took me to the bank to deposit it. We went around doing paper work and then she took me home. This where the real fun happened. The maintenance man came over to check my screens and my kitchen light. He took a bunch of my screens away to repair them, and came back with new light bulbs. The new bulbs didn't fix it so in walks the electrician to check it out. Then moments later 2 gas guys came in leading to the kitchen party of the year!

When she took me home Kori and Roger came over. When we got hungry we ended up going back to Abashiri for some aimless wandering and then Nepalese food. Yay for butter chicken. After this we ended up watching a movie at my place. I am so so so happy Kori lives near me. I felt so unlonely. So very different than Shibata. I already feel so much apart of this community.
Tomorrow is my first full day at the office but I do believe I'm going to the jr. high.

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